Why Plan Ahead?
Planning ahead helps to relieve stress, anxiety and confusion because surviving family members don't need to make funeral arrangement decisions at an already highly emotional time. ​Planning ahead also frees families from financial loss, confusion and unnecessary worrying and additional emotional stress. When you plan ahead, it allows you to customize the way you would want to celebrate your life and it helps you to make well informed decisions without the risk of overspending.
Pre planning lets you put your own plan in place so your family won't have to at the time of your loss. It aliviates conflict and understanding about what you would really want. In example, cremation versus burial and selecting caskets, decorations and churches. It also allows you to control the cost of your funeral as well as collect important information for death certificates and obituaries.
Another important benefit is that when you pre plan, you have the ability to fully fund your own funeral expenses in advance.
Help take the burden off your loved ones by making your end-of-life
decisions in advance, in a calm and thoughtful atmosphere.